Organizing resistance to the technological system
"The collapse of this civilization is not an apocalyptic vision; it is something that seems highly desirable to me. I even consider it our great chance that there is a biological basis for human society that refuses to follow the path of the dominant industrial civilization."
— Alexandre Grothendieck, “Will we continue scientific research?” , 1972.

ATR acts in several areas to build the resistance.
First, raising awareness of the nuisances caused by modern technologies with a blog, a presence on social networks and participation in conferences. Then, the practice of outdoor and physical activities, the first front of resistance to the deleterious effects (isolation, sedentary lifestyle, confinement, etc.) of the technological system on our well-being. Finally, the establishment of a solid anti-tech support network, capable of meeting the needs of members without having to depend (or as little as possible) on modern industry, to which we oppose local anchoring, the sharing of equipment, places and land and direct human links.

Criticism of technology training
ATR has set up training courses to popularize and make technology criticism more accessible. On the agenda: Why is technology not neutral? What is the technological system? How does this system work? What are its social and ecological implications? What are the development prospects for technology?
Strategy training
Social and ecological struggles are for the most part ineffective. Environmental degradation, inequalities and poverty are exploding. In order to increase the effectiveness of the revolutionary struggle, we offer strategy training. On the program: What are the differences between underground movement and aboveground movement? What is asymmetric combat? Why prioritize your goals?

Digital and face-to-face public events
Inspired by the writings of Jacques Ellul, Alexandre Grothendieck, Langdon Winner, Theodore Kaczynski, and more recently by Aurelien Berlan or François Jarrige, ATR disseminates technocriticism through online media (blog, social networks) and participation in conferences. Understanding the technological system is essential in order to become aware of the magnitude of the threat.
Hiking & trail running
ATR regularly organizes mid-mountain excursions to strengthen the group, keep fit and (re) discover the beauty of our lands. Moving using technological prostheses (car, train, plane), Homo industrialis forgot that he was bipedal. Walking is therefore an excellent physical activity that allows you to reappropriate biological movement.

There are no upcoming activities.

Survival & Bushcraft courses
Recognizing plants, learning to make a fire, choosing a place to bivouac or knowing how to find your way around nature, the acquisition of this knowledge makes it possible to apprehend the collapse of the technological system more calmly. Modern electrified comfort is in no way essential to the existence or even the well-being of the human primate.
Gardening & Participatory Workshops
ATR forges links with the local associative network and participates in projects aimed at providing greater material, food and energy autonomy to rural inhabitants. It is our duty to help our peers to disassociate themselves from the technological system in order to regain their autonomy. In addition, working with our hands develops skill and creativity while stimulating the skeleton and muscles.

There are no upcoming activities.

Muscle Building & Bootcamp
According to an ANSES study published in 2022, a sedentary lifestyle endangers the health of 95% of French people. This is why ATR members train every week to overcome the deleterious effects imposed on us by the modern lifestyle. Bootcamps, types of intensive courses, can be organized at the initiative of certain members and/or in collaboration with other structures.
There are no upcoming activities.
Combat sports & self-defense
Practicing combat sports is great for self-discipline as well as for increasing self-confidence, physical and mental stamina, and the ability to deal with physical pain. ATR wants to train warriors with unwavering determination to advance effectively in the direction of our objective.

Frequently asked questions
ATR is a non-violent organization committed to legal activities. That said, we understand that exasperated activists and persecuted local communities around the world are using violent means to respond to the violence of power.
To sum up, we are neither for nor against violence. It is not our role to dictate their attitude to individuals facing a tragic situation on their own land. You would have to be both extremely arrogant and incredibly naive to imagine being able to impose a uniform way of fighting the system.
A world full of life, a world where the incessant noise of machines would be replaced by the song of birds, the melody of the stream, the howl of wolves and the roar of the deer. And if you lack imagination, all you have to do is find out about the indigenous peoples and peasant communities of the global South, some of whom still live far away from global trade flows. Their daily existence is (very) far from resembling the ordeal described in the dominant civilizational narrative bludgeoned in the West since elementary school, and throughout life by the media and the entertainment industry.
We advocate for the reappropriation of livelihoods by local populations. We want people to be able to eat properly by themselves, in complete autonomy, by freely choosing ways of subsistence adapted to the resources available in their geographical area. Agro-ecology, agro-forestry, forest and permaculture gardens, hunting and fishing using traditional techniques (low tech), pastoralism, small livestock, etc., the possibilities and combinations are endless.
Any other questions?
Join the resistance.
ATR is constantly welcoming and training new recruits determined to combat the technological system.