Machines are ravaging the planet, this world needs an

Anti-Technology Resistance

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Theodore Kaczynski, Industrial Society and its Future (1995)


Technology destroys life.

Appearing with the 1st industrial revolution, the technological system threatens to sterilize the Earth. Very schematically, the technological system is formed by all extraction sites (mines, monoculture fields), processing sites (factories) and consumer sites (cities) linked together by transport and communication infrastructures.

Mining industry

In 2019, the mining industry pulled 76 billion tons of material from the Earth's crust, a figure that is expected to explode by 2050. Non-metallic minerals come out on top, followed by fossil fuels and then metal ores (source: Circle Economy).

Industrial biomass extraction

With 24.6 billion tons of biomass extracted in 2019, agriculture and industrial plantations are responsible for nearly 90% of water stress and the erosion of biodiversity in the world, according to the UN resources panel.

Urbanization & Infrastructures

Necessary for industrialization and development, the construction of buildings and infrastructures (roads, highways, bridges, ports, airports, railways, water and electricity networks, etc.) are one of the main drivers of resource extraction.


Driven by technological progress, industrialization provides unprecedented power over inert matter and living beings. The unexpected and disastrous consequences of development have shown time and again that humans are unable to control this process.

Greenhouse gas emissions

Industrial society is unable to survive without coal, gas, and oil. According to the IMF, 85% of total global energy subsidies go to fossil fuels. These will be extracted until they are exhausted before being replaced by other sources of energy that are potentially even more destructive.

Multiple pollutions

For more than a century now, manufacturers have been dumping all sorts of pollutants into the environment that contaminate the air, land, rivers and oceans. There is no organic food left on Earth. Microplastics are detected in human lungs and faeces, and perfluorinated components poison the blood of fetuses. Most non-human living things are very likely to be intoxicated as well.

Diseases of civilization

Diseases linked to industrial lifestyles are exploding all over the world. Two billion people are already overweight or obese, and half of the world's population is expected to be affected by 2030. Cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, asthma, allergies, obesity, depression, dementia and psychological disorders of all kinds are multiplying in urbanized and industrialized regions.

Industrial slavery

The technological system condemns the majority of humanity to a life of slaves in the service of huge industrial and bureaucratic organizations. The age of machines was supposed to lead to the emancipation of humans, but in fact these machines only increased oppression, spread infamy and destroyed Nature. Transhumanism is an update of this dangerous utopia: the fantasy of deliverance from our human and terrestrial condition.

Surveillance, Control & Repression

Technological development is providing businesses and states with increasingly powerful and invasive ways to monitor, control, and suppress populations reduced to human livestock. This is a process intrinsic to industrial society where technical progress “requires the transformation of the entire nation into a concentration camp” (Jacques Ellul).

Transhumanism & Eugenics

From China to the United States via Europe and Japan, the NBIC convergence (Nanotechnologies, Biotechnologies, Computer and Cognitive Sciences) is a transhumanist society project adopted without any democratic consultation by all industrial powers. It is about improving human performance and optimizing living systems. According to experts in “existential risk”, these technologies are potentially more dangerous than nuclear weapons for the survival of the human species.

We want to put an end to the technological system.

Anti-Tech Resistance bases its action on a rigorous diagnosis and proposes a strategy to take effective action.

Our strategy

The technological system is totalitarian, it calls for a clear and effective response.

Our vision

To succeed in this fight, we need to gather around a common vision.

What to do? Join the anti-tech resistance

Anti-Tech Resistance (ATR) is an international revolutionary movement that aims to dismantle the technological system to stop the devastation of the world and prevent the extinction of the human species.

Activities of the anti-tech movement.

For the time being, ATR's actions focus on several points:

Dissemination of the ATR diagnosis and strategy
Technocritical training
Activist strategy training
Establishment of local groups

The training is done by videoconference and in person. For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.

The principles for the anti-tech resistant.

Learn about our twelve common principles, shared by all ATR members. We are an organization that gives a lot to its members, and in return expects a strong commitment from them.

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Winter bootcamp — March 2025

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Cycle de formation NIV. 1 — 1.5 CLUB LECTURE

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Safety culture

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Ted Kaczynski

Theodore Kaczynski is a Neoluddite activist who became known for his fierce opposition to technology.

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ATR is constantly welcoming and training new recruits determined to combat the technological system.