“Eco-fascists are among the enemies” (by Ted K)

We translated a letter from Theodore Kaczynski dated September 29, 2020. In it, Ted explains why the ecofascists who cite his work as a source of inspiration actually didn't understand his diagnosis or his ideas.
Ecofascists, as I understand the term, share at least two characteristics:
1. They are not defending the total rejection of modern technology; on the contrary, they want to create a society where technology is “limited and “wisely” used” to ensure the health of the planet.
2. They support white supremacism, or at least separatism.
Let's look at the first line. In essence, ecofascists want a planned society, which means that they are socialists (because the fundamental idea of socialism is planned society)[1]). The illusion of planned society comes from the Enlightenment, which some philosophers, misled by the application of scientific rationality to the physical world, thought that it could also be successfully applied to the social world. This illusion should already have been dispelled by what we have learned since the 18th century.E century. But leftists, including ecofascists, persist in sticking to it.
Since the end of the 90s, many left-wing people have referred to my writings as if I were one of their comrades. This was only possible by Selective reading : they failed to perceive the passages of my work that were radically at odds with their ideology. Likewise for those ecofascists who, today, quote me or claim to be inspired by me: they completely overlook crucial parts of my work; for example, the first chapter of Anti-Tech Revolution, where it is shown that the development of a society can never be subject to human control. Based on this alone, it can be predicted with complete confidence that any attempt by eco-fascists (or anyone) to establish and maintain a global balance between technology and the health of the planet Will fail.
Now let's look at the second line. The real anti-tech movement rejects any form of racism or ethnocentrism. Absolutely not through “tolerance,” “pluralism,” “pluralism,” “multiculturalism,” “equality,” or “social justice.” Rejecting racism is — pure and simple — an imperative strategic.
Any movement that seeks to limit technology should be Global. If technological progress is suppressed from one part of the world while another pursues the path of unbridled development, the more technologically advanced part will have much greater power over the less technologically advanced part. Sooner or later (probably sooner), the fully technological part of the world will take control of the other part to exploit its resources. The most obvious example being that, if progress is limited in the United States while China continues its current technological race, then China will dominate the world and seize American resources at will. Whatever the Americans say[2].
For obvious reasons, a white supremacist movement cannot be global. Even if he simply insists that the world's different cultures remain distinct and separate, he will be unable to control technology, because his separatist attitude will inevitably promote rivalry and suspicion among different ethnicities. Each ethnic group, for its own safety, will try to accumulate more power — and therefore technology — than other ethnic groups. It follows that any movement seeking to limit technology must make efforts to minimize divisions or differences within ethnic groups.[3]. Purely strategically, the Miscegenation ethnic and cultural issues should be promoted.
Eco-fascists need to read Industrial society and its future, Technological Slavery and Anti-Tech Revolution WITH CARE. This won't change their beliefs — based on emotion alone, not reason — but it will at least prevent them from viewing me as an “inspiration” and from quoting my writings to support their ideology. It will show them that I am theirs opponent.
The ecofascists' fixation on race places them in the same family as leftists, who are also obsessed with race. The only difference between the two is that the “white” race is heroic for the ecofascist when it is mean for the left. Eco-fascists and leftists are two sides of the same coin (counterfeit).
Ted Kaczynski
Footnote [1] — Today's sophisticated socialists no longer dream of the abolition of all private property. They only want private enterprise to be limited and controlled so as to play the role they want in the overall plan for society.
Footnote [2] — See Industrial society and its future, paragraph 195. ↑
Footnote [3] — See Industrial society and its future, paragraphs 191 & 192, and Technological Slavery, Volume 1, Editions Libre.
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