
AI counter-summit in Paris: why and how to resist techno-dictatorship

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Anti-Tech Resistance is organising the AI Counter-Summit as part of our campaign against AI development.

In response to the Artificial Intelligence Action Summit organised by the technocratic elite on 10 and 11 February 2025 in Paris, an event to which Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Sam Altman (Open AI) and Indian dictator Narendra Modi have been invited, Anti-Tech Resistance is organising the AI Counter-Summit as part of our campaign against AI development. We must not allow the technocracy to propagandise this totalitarian technology without fighting back!

The programme for this AI Counter-Summit includes a day of conferences to help people understand the issues, risks and threats posed by AI to our societies, freedom, democracy, nature and the very existence of the human race. A number of speakers from other technocritical and ecologist collectives have been invited to speak on the subject:

  • 1pm: AI & Extractivism - We've hit rock bottom but we're still digging - Barth, Extinction Rebellion
  • 2pm: AI, towards a loss of knowledge - Round table with the newspaper Le Chiffon, the association Lève les yeux, Les amis de la décroissance and other activist groups (Solidaire Sud to be confirmed)
  • 3.15pm: AI is changing the way we live and think - Olivier Leduc - Association Technologos
  • 3.50 pm: What AI cannot do - Nicolas Guézie - Collectif Ecran Total
  • 4.25pm : Can AI be regulated? - Christian - French Association Against Artificial Intelligence
  • 5pm: How to stop AI - Anti-Tech Resistance

Also note that the General Anti-Industrial Assembly of Paris (AGAIP) is calling for a rally on Sunday 9 February at 2pm in front of the Grand Palais.

We will not let technocracy crush us without resisting!

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