
Rennes: Call for an assembly against AI week

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We re-share a call for mobilization against AI from comrades in the Anti-Industrial Assembly in Rennes.


While artificial intelligence is currently contributing to the ecological, social and human disaster, the University of Rennes has however decided to position itself in favor of its development.

Indeed, at the beginning of September, a week of conference on artificial intelligence will take place. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the SequoIA project (development of AI in surveillance, intelligent networks and autonomous robots) for which the government recently contributed 20 million euros to ensure that Rennes is the major hub in Europe in artificial intelligence research.

While in 2021, in Libya, a Turkish drone attacks targets without it being possible to establish the existence of any human decision behind the trigger, one of the speakers calls for “orienting the debate towards societal responsibilities related to the uses of technologies based on AI”. Isn't this chimera of AI control too far from the reality we're already facing?

Moreover, in many schools, professors share their concerns about the use of ChatGPT and its impact on student learning, as well as the preference of students to harm teachers through the use of fake images; scientists are calling for the development of AI to be stopped for fear that it will escape human control.

We refuse an AI week that invisibilizes the opposition and concerns of populations for the sole benefit of industrial power.

Environmentalists should also be alarmed: artificial intelligence is in fact an unrestrained pursuit of the destruction of nature, extractivism and all the operating conditions it requires, an exponential increase in electricity consumption and the construction of data centers (their electricity consumption should double by 2027 and their construction should triple within 6 years).

Let us remember that these polluting and deadly installations are already there before we want to apply any ethics to them. An ethic that should encourage them to stop rather than to supervise them.

Deeply rooted in a logic of international competition for the acquisition of superintelligence voracious in resources and raw materials, this week of upcoming conferences shows us once again that life on Earth and the preservation of human freedoms are not valid reasons to prevent the deployment of this technology.

This is why we do not want their propaganda: we want to consider ways of resistance against the deployment of this technology.

The anti-industrial assembly in Rennes, created this year following the observation of the major involvement of industries in the ecological and social crisis, had already mobilized against artificial intelligence on May 25, 2024 through awareness-raising workshops and a demonstration. She is considering a new mobilization, this time against the AI week, and therefore proposes to meet at the next anti-industrial assembly on Monday September 2 at 18:30 in the hall of building L in Rennes 2 (Villejean metro). This will be an opportunity, without further delay, to discuss actions that we could implement in opposition to this event.

For our freedoms, our children, our workers, our future, our future, our future, our planet, our humanity, our dignity, come and counter this development of artificial intelligence.

Workers, parents, students, environmentalists, nature lovers, nature lovers, farmers, computer scientists, engineers, workers, we are talking about your freedoms. We are waiting for you.

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