
Luddite revolt commemorative evening

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đŸ’„ EXCEPTIONAL VISIO ATR - 28/03: commemorating the anniversary of the Luddite revolt (the first machine breakers, see info below)

▶ At the end of March (on Tuesday 28 in the evening, the precise time remains to be specified), we intend to offer a public ATR videoconference, in order to briefly present ATR, then the history and motivations of the Luddite revolt two centuries ago, to finish with a time for free discussion (with surprise guests) on the resistance to technology today! Do not hesitate to write down the date, and to share the information around you! More details to come soon!

▶ Luddism ⁉ Kesako ⁉
“The term Luddism refers to an intense moment of artisan revolts at the beginning of the 19th century in England, in the regions of Yorkshire, Midlands, Lancashire. Quite little known in France, he left a living memory across the Channel. This historical episode is mainly known for the mode of action used: the destruction of production tools in factories. The Luddites, these “machine breakers”, have since constituted a repulsive figure of industrial modernity, particularly stigmatized by proponents of the technocapitalist flight forward. However, they have also seen renewed interest from critical historians such as Edward P. Thompson, Eric Hobsbawn, and more recently François Jarrige. In their light, the episode of the Luddites appears to be a particularly interesting moment, taken up by other “technocritical” struggles as a source of founding inspiration. [...]” Read more on our site

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